Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting Spring 2022: President's Update
By Mary Flanagan, BSN, RN, CNOR(E)®, LNCC
Ah! Spring!
Is it too late for 2022 resolutions? No! The definition of resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something and the quality of being determined or resolute. When used as an adjective, resolute is defined as admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.
As I address you for the last time as President of AALNC, I and the entire board of directors, along with our managing partner, are resolute in our commitment to you, our valued new and returning members. As I look back on this past year, I am so grateful for the support and encouragement I received and continue to receive from your intrepid Board of Directors: Laura Nissim, Lisa Mancuso, Erin Gollogly, Jennifer Parks, Jeanine Frumenti, and Judy Young.
I am in awe of their knowledge, wisdom, passion, and continued commitment to AALNC and the specialty of legal nurse consulting. Thank you! Your operations team at AALNC went above and beyond this year and seamlessly managed every challenge sent their way. My thanks to our outgoing executive director, Jena Eberly Stack, who now turns over the leadership of our amazing team Melissa Van Fleteren, Caitlyn Hicks, and Sree Rajesh to our new “ED” Janae Lindsley. Their talent is only matched with their enthusiasm for promoting our specialty. They get us.
Besides our HQ team, AALNC is so fortunate to have our Director of Programs and Education, Karen Wilkinson, who seeks the best and the brightest when planning all our educational offerings and our talented Journal editor, Martha Kelso who along with a great committee of member volunteers creates one great issue after another. Last, and certainly not least, I thank all of you, our cherished members. If you’re new to legal nurse consulting, welcome!
If you’ve been with us and this specialty for a while, thank you for your continued support of this incredible association. We quite simply could not do it without you. AALNC’s mission remains the same as it has for years…to promote the professional advancement of registered nurses consulting within the legal arena by providing a forum for education, research, and exchange of information. We remain resolute in that mission and strive to inspire and empower you to reach your full potential as a legal nurse consultant.
I’m a firm believer that if you are serious about success in this interesting arena called “legal nurse consulting,” you need to join, retain, and leverage your membership with AALNC to your maximum benefit. As a final encouragement, as we all move forward to better, healthier times, be resolute in pursuing your success as an LNC and join us in Orlando in April for our in-person educational and networking Forum. Early-bird registration closes on March 11th. Come join new and seasoned LNCs from across the country; it’s the best investment you can make in 2022!