Embarking On the LNC Journey
By Lynne Wright
After my experience in Orlando attending AALNC’s Annual Forum with this wonderful group of people, I felt moved to take a chance.
I met the editor of the AALNC Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting briefly during the conference, but, at the time, writing an article had not really been on my mind. However, as the week went on and I took part in the whole experience, I felt it was my duty to pass on what I learned.
I had explored some positions in legal nurse consulting as I was pondering my next steps aftering retiring from the VA. It was truly serendipitous. I found out that there was an Annual Forum being held by AALNC in April the very next week after I decided to hang up my Nursing Care Plans to move on to the next chapter of my life. This was too coincidental for me not to act upon. So, I joined the organization and then signed up to go to the conference with hotel and flights in place.
I tend to be shy when in a group setting-- a large group even more so. I was not sure what to expect. I made it my goal to keep my mind and heart open to meeting others. I have loved the law and am very excited to branch off into this new area of work. Admittedly, being with all of the LNCs was a little challenging at first. My hope is that this article will help encourage those new to the profession to overcome their hesitations and jump in with both feet.
There is a lot to be said about this organization and this amazing group of legal nursing professionals. They are wonderful in every way. I never felt so welcomed and supported as I have with this fine group of people. They helped me to feel comfortable and to get my feet wet, so to speak, at my pace. They were kind, friendly and helpful in every aspect of the conference for that week we were in Orlando, and before as well. I did not know what to expect but they exceeded my hopes.
The dinner group I was lucky to sit with was also very friendly, supportive and helpful in every way. I even found out about the Orlando Chapter which also welcomes “foreigners/out of staters” to join their organization. I have since joined them and will continue to learn and grow with their group. I also have joined a Zoom call with instruction on a type of software that may be helpful in the future.
It has been wonderful to meet this group. I will be sure to let my professor, Stacey Peters, Director of the Legal Nurse Certificate Program at NHTI in Concord, NH, know about this great resource so she can pass it on to the new students in her program. She has been my mentor and a great supporter for many years. Now, I am ready for the next steps ahead. I want to thank all of you nurses and professionals who were at Orlando for all your kindness, support and guidance. I will be reaching out to learn more with each step I take forward in this exciting career pathway. Thank you so very much for all you do and what you did to put me at ease.
Be sure to register for the 2023 AALNC Annual Forum taking place April 27-29 in Louisville, KY.